Beach Bummin' Kitchen Hand Towel

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Hand Towels by Linda

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These colorful pairs of flip flops are ready to hit the beach or stroll along the boardwalk. Linen color acrylic yarn was used to make the hanging loop of this terry cotton kitchen hand towel.

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beach bummin hand towel
Linen yarn top

Beach Bummin'
Hanging Kitchen Hand Towel


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Towel Top Designed by
Linda Laubenthal &
Betty Swartz

Top Hand-crocheted by
Linda Laubenthal

Towel Price

All towels are SPECIAL ORDERS. None are made up ahead of time.

The number available means we have the towels to put the tops on.

Shopping Cart Buttons:

"Add to Cart" = in stock/ready to ship

"Special Order" = Linda needs to make it for you

Please note that we use USPS Priority Mail shipping with insurance & delivery confirmation. Fees are adjusted based on the weight of the packed box and shipping zone of delivery address.

Please provide the address where you receive your postal mail.

Minimum shipping cost is $10 for up to 1 pound.
Up to 4 towels will ship at this rate.

Free shipping on orders of $100 or more within the United States.

International orders will be charged Global Priority rates starting at $30 for the first pound.

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